The CMDI Blog

Crimson Feature of the Month: Crimson Mailbox
Crimson Feature of the..., Featured, The Blog Adrienne Royer Crimson Feature of the..., Featured, The Blog Adrienne Royer

Crimson Feature of the Month: Crimson Mailbox

Would you like to add an email or communication with a donor to their profile in Crimson? Do you want a track record of the messages and interaction your staff have with supporters, volunteers, and donors? The Crimson Mailbox is a new feature that will allow you to connect your email program to People Profiles.

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Crimson Feature of the Month: Using Email Scheduler to Track 48-Hour Contributions

Crimson Feature of the Month: Using Email Scheduler to Track 48-Hour Contributions

The 2024 primary season starts at the beginning of March, so the time frame for filing 48-Hour Notices will be starting for many campaigns. These must be filed for donations over $1,000 between 20 days and 48 hours before a primary or general election. Crimson’s Email Scheduler can alert you via a daily email when new reportable donations are entered into Crimson.

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