Crimson Feature of the Month: Task Management

Crimson Feature of the Month


Assigning & Managing Calls and Tasks

Time is your campaign’s most precious resource. Collaborate your fundraising activities across your committee and win together.Crimson allows you to maximize the efficiencies of your candidate's and team's time by automating your work flow. As a manager, you can easily assign tasks and track your team's progress all in one place.

With Crimson's Task Management features, you can:
  • Create or edit tasks from any contact record
  • Assign tasks to your team
  • Attach call sheets to tasks
  • Track each of your team member's progress on their assigned tasks


How to Use this Feature


• Creating a task is easy

Simply open up a contact's profile page in Crimson and select the task tab. You will see all the tasks related to this contact.

Click on the Add button  button to create a new task.



• Track what your team is doing.

For each task, you can:

            • Describe the task
            • Delegate the task to your team member
            • Give the task a "due date"
            • Enter notes on the task which will also appear on any call sheets created for the contact



• Keep up with what needs to be done

CrimsonMobile: Tasks & Call SheetsOnce you save the task, your team member will see that they have a new task when they log into Crimson or CrimsonMobile.

In most cases, the delegated task is a fundraising call. Your team member can easily create call sheets for their task with the click of a button.

Once a task has been completed, simply check the "completed" check box and all is well with the world.



• Manage your campaign team

Manage Tasks in CrimsonWith Tasks, it is easier to track what members of your team are doing and the deadline for their tasks.  Viewing your outstanding task and completed task reports makes managing your team a snap. You can view your team's tasks via:

  • Who was the delegator
  • Who is performing the task
  • Date the task should be performed
  • Type of task

Through this feature, you can also print call sheets for the contacts, or reassign all the tasks to a different person.

If you need help using Crimson's task management functionality, let us know. It would be our pleasure to demonstrate the best ways to utilize this powerful tool.


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