Bloomberg News Highlights ComMITT, Powered by CMDI

By Lisa Lerer on June 12, 2012

Outraising Obama

Last month, Zwick and his team outraised President Barack Obama’s campaign for the first time. The Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee raised nearly $77 million in May compared with $60 million raised Obama and the Democratic National Committee…Over dinner in a private room of a Northern Virginia steakhouse, Zwick described Romney’s fundraising operation, including its software, dubbed ComMITT <powered by CMDI’s CrimsonRPM>, that was exclusively designed for the campaign.“It was very impressive and very helpful,” said Fred Malek, a co-chairmen of McCain’s finance committee.Unlike last election, when the Romney campaign focused largely on a regional network of donors, Zwick said this year they are building out an organization structured around industries –including Wall Street — or interest groups such as Israel supporters.“You have groups of industries or affinity groups that are willing to organize around Governor Romney because of issues that they care about,” said Zwick. “My whole hope in the fundraising is that we can go from a candidacy to a cause.”The fundraising software has been updated to allow donors who solicit contributions from friends to track from an iPad or mobile phone what people in their network have given.Read complete article:


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