New Requested Crimson Features Released

CMDI recently released two new features that were frequently requested by our users. The Searching Spouse Giving under People Searches includes records of a spouse’s giving history in exports. The Thank You Dashboard Program Code Suppression allows you to exclude programs that populate the Thank Yous Needed section of the Home dashboard.

Searching Spouse Giving

This feature is found under Output Fields in People Search. While running a search, input your desired filters and then toggle to the Ouput Fields tab and select Total Spouse Active Funds. When finished setting up your search, click on the blue Run button before hitting Export. The spouse’s giving history will be included with the export. Please note, spouses need to be linked in Crimson to work.

Thank You Suppression

This setting enables you to specify which Programs should be excluded from the Thank Yous Needed section of the Home dashboard.

To update this setting, open the Money Settings under the Fundraising Dashboard. 

Under the Program Tab, click the edit button to open a Program or click on the Add button to create a new one.  

Check the box for Suppress from Thank You to exclude this Program from the Thank Yous Needed.


Feature of the Month: People Profile, Part IV


Crimson Webinars in November