New FEC Contribution Limits Set for 2024 Election Cycle

The FEC recently released the new contributions for the 2023-2024 election cycle, and the limits for several categories were increased.

Individual Donations:

  • Contributions made by individuals to candidates increased from $2,900 to $3,300 per election per candidate or $6,600 per couple ($13,200 per couple for the primary and general elections).

  • Contributions made by individuals to national party committees increased from $36,500 to $41,300 per calendar year. National party committees include the RNC, NRSC, and NRCC.

  • Contributions made by individuals to national party accounts increased from $109,500 to $123,900 per account, per year. National party accounts include a convention fund, building fund, and recount fund at each national party committee.

PAC Donations:

  • PAC donations to candidate committees increased from $2,900 to $3,300 per election.

  • PAC donations to national party committees increased from $36,500 to $41,300 per calendar year.

  • PAC donations to national party accounts increased from $109,500 to $123,900 per account, per year.

For your convenience, we updated our Political Donation Limits fact sheet with the new totals for the 2024 election cycle. This is a great resource to keep posted when you need to remember the new limits.


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