FEC Deadlines: What's Changed & What's Due on April 15

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many states to postpone primary elections, and the IRS automatically extended the filing deadline for federal income taxes until July 15.

However, the Federal Election Commission has not changed their upcoming deadline for quarterly reports. All candidate committees and quarterly filers must submit first quarter reports by April 15.

If the date for the primary election in your state has changed, the deadline for Pre-election reports and the period for filing 48-Hour Notices have also changed. See below for details on the different deadlines for Quarterly Filings, Pre-election Reports, and 48-Hour Notices.

To keep up with these deadlines, download our list of FEC Monthly & Quarterly Filing Deadlines.

FEC Quarterly Filings

The FEC does not have the statutory power to delay filing deadlines, so quarterly deadlines remain the same.  Be advised that the FEC closed their physical offices in Washington, D.C., and staff are working remotely. They encourage all committees to file reports electronically, since mailed or hand-delivered reports will not be processed until the office re-opens. Given the increased use of electronic filing, we recommend starting your reports as soon as possible.  

Pre-election Reports

The FEC requires candidate committees to file a Pre-election report that’s due 12 days before the primary or convention. Because the deadlines depend on the date of the primary, the FEC changes these deadlines when primaries or run-offs are moved. To keep up with the new dates, check with the FEC to verify when reports are due in your state.

48-Hour Notices

48-Hour Notices are filed for donations over $1,000 that are received less than 20 days but no more than 48 hours before the day of the election. A 48-Hour Notice is required for all contributions made to the candidate committee, including:

  • Contributions from the candidate

  • Joint fundraisers in which the campaign participates

  • Loans from the candidate and other non-bank sources

  • Endorsements or guarantees of loans from banks

Since these dates are subject to change depending on the COVID-19 pandemic, check with the FEC regularly to verify reporting periods.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about an upcoming deadline, reach out to the Reports Analysis Division at the FEC. It can take up to three business days for an authorized representative to respond, so please begin preparing your reports early.


Crimson Overview Webinar on April 22


FEC Deadlines for 2020