Tomorrow: Preview Crimson's New PAC Features

As part of the development of Crimson 3, we are rolling out new features designed to streamline the management of PACs. This includes a new PAC dashboard and functionality that emphasizes tracking, budgeting, and planning the contributions you intend to make to other candidates and committees.

Tomorrow, we will hold a quick preview of the new PAC dashboard and features during a short webinar at 2 p.m.

Click here to RSVP for the preview, and we will follow up with information on how to join.

From the new, clickable PAC dashboard in Crimson, you can:

  • Set and manage annual budgets

  • Create line items to budget

  • Track all recent contributions

  • Monitor independent expenditures

  • Manage your contacts and look up the committee assignments of congressional members

  • Check previous donations to candidate committees & any direct contributions made by your PAC donors

If you have a leadership PAC already using Crimson, are with a re-election committee and are interested in adding a leadership PAC, or you are a consultant who manages a corporate or non-connected PAC in another system, we hope that you will join us tomorrow at 2 p.m.

Can’t make this date? Please contact Jeff Wernsing, Director of Compliance Services, and we will send you a recording of the webinar or set up an alternative time to go over these features.    


Next Crimson Webinar: March 21


Upcoming Crimson 3 Webinars