Upcoming Crimson 3 Webinars

If you've not yet logged into Crimson 3, now is the time to test it out and learn how to use it. This latest version of Crimson has a fresh user interface, redesigned dashboards, expanded searches, increased security, and many other new features!

Since Crimson 2 will not be accessible after February 9, the Crimson Support Team is offering additional training webinars between now and February 15. If you have not completed a Crimson 3 session, please click on one of the links below to sign up.

Upcoming Crimson 3 Webinars: 

January 21 - February 9

February 11 - 16

If you are short on time, watch our short video tour to get a quick summary.


Tomorrow: Preview Crimson's New PAC Features


Crimson 2: Not Accessible After February 9