Politico: FEC OKs bitcoin campaign donations

Politico-InfuenceBy Byron Tau | 5/8/14 11:50 AMOriginal post: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/fec-oks-bitcoin-campaign-donations-106492.htmlThe Federal Election Commission on Thursday unanimously said that political committees could legally accept small bitcoin donations — acknowledging for the first time that digital currencies are a form of “money or anything of value.”The commission also affirmed that political committees could buy and sell bitcoins as an investment — as long as they turned those proceeds into dollars before spending them.But the FEC deadlocked on the question of whether political committees could spend bitcoins on goods and services, leaving that question unanswered.The three Democrats on the six-member commission had previously been reluctant to move forward with rules on bitcoin and other crypto-currencies but were persuaded to sign onto the opinion because of the small dollar amounts — $100 or less — involved.Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/fec-oks-bitcoin-campaign-donations-106492.html


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Washington Post: Federal Election Commission approves bitcoin donations to political committees