Fundraising School Is In Session

Hey Republican fundraisers, the Republican National Committee is holding their Campaign Finance College this week at the RNC HQ in DC. You can learn more at real reason you should go is to see Ginny Badanes, CMDI Director of Political, and Seamus Owens, Congressional & Senatorial Campaign Specialist. They will teach you how to successfully fundraise and manage your fundraising data while keeping your campaign FEC compliant.Managing campaign data is becoming a critical part of running a successful race, especially in terms of fundraising. If you don't know who your prospects are, who your donors are, where, when, and how much they've given, you are not running an effective finance team.Ginny and Seamus are industry pros and have been behind the fundraising of billions (that is not a type-o) of dollars raised for the Republican party and its candidates.See them this week only at the Republican National Committee headquarters on 1st Street on the Hill, and please... try the veal.


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