Take Control of Your Campaign Email
Last spring at a political campaign technology conference, I made the bold prediction that email fundraising will soon die.While I still believe that a 1973 technology known as email is a communication tool in need of a serious rethinking (ask anyone who gets more than a 100 non-spam emails a day), email is the current the preferred flavor of communication for lots of folks. Email is an especially powerful fundraising tool when it is an integrated directly with the campaign's donor management system so it can be powered by user behavoir data.In the current political fundraising season, 3 of our presidential candidates have our Crimson political fundraising database directly integrated with our email engine partner, ExactTarget and are having great online fundraising successes.When your email engine is directly integrated with your fundraising contact database, the campaign can generate tens of millions of emails and track response rates using the Crimson platform. As I use to teach back at the RNC campaign college, keep all your data in one place so you can manage the life-cycle of your supporters, from introduction -> to supporter -> to donor -> to fundraiser, and finally -> to VOTER!Down ticket campaigns can easily replicate the successes of our presidential candidates using Crimson. Just get yourself a pithy copy writer and start experimenting. The nice think about a integrated email/donor manangement system is that the data will show you when you've got it right and when you've got it wrong. You just need to start experimenting.