Crimson Feature of the Month: Tasks

Do you need to delegate work to your team or create a to-do list to ensure a project is finished? Crimson Tasks help you assign work projects to individual staff members or yourself, set a deadline, and track the progress and completion of it through the Crimson dashboard.  

Tasks also allow you to assign activities to the candidate, such as making fundraising calls, and print those tasks into various formats of call sheets.  

How to Access Your Tasks 

1. From the Crimson Dashboard, scroll down to the My Tasks box. The next five tasks that are due will be displayed.  

 2. From the Tasks box, you have several options:  

  • Click on the name to open the Task.   

  • Click on the blue checkmark button to mark the task as completed. Once clicked, the Task will disappear from the home dash. 

  • Click on the three blue dots to open My Tasks.  

3. Under My Tasks, you’ll see a list of all active tasks assigned to you. Double click on one to open it.  

2. From the Edit Task window, you can: 

  • Mark the Task as completed 

  • Edit the subject 

  • Change the Task type, purpose and priority 

  • Update who it was scheduled by or scheduled for  

  • Update the due date 

  • Add a memo, note, or upload an attachment 

  • Mark it as recurring and add the frequency, start date, and end date 

 3. If you mark the Task as Completed, it will disappear from your assigned list.  

4. Keep as History: Disable this option if you do not wish to save a record of the Task in the record’s history after it has been completed.

5. When you have completed your edits, click on the blue Save button.  

How to Create a Task

Because Tasks are tied to individuals, they need to be created from a People Record. In the Quick Search bar, type in a name to pull up the People Record you need.

1. Go to the Task box. If the Task box isn’t displaying, hover on the gray customize button at the bottom of the page. A blue edit button will appear. If Tasks aren’t appearing, click on the blue bar on the right.

2. Click on Tasks to drag and drop the boxes on the People Profile in your desired configuration. Click on the blue checkmark at the bottom of the page to save your settings.

3. Click on the Tasks box. Details will open below.

4. Click on blue Add Task button to create a new Task.

5. A new Task entry will open. Enter the information about the task. The fields with red ribbons are required to be completed.  

a. Subject: the name of the task

b. Type: from the drop-down menu select the category of the Task.

c. Purpose: Select the reason for this Task from the drop-down menu.

d. Priority: Select from High, Low, or Medium priority to assign importance and urgency to the Task.

e. Move: If the People Profile has been added to Moves Management, the journey will show up in the drop-down box.

f. Move Live Cycle Stage: Select the correct stage – Discovery, Cultivation, Engage, Stewardship, or Complete.

g. Scheduled for: Select the person you are assigning the Task. You can also assign it to yourself.

f. Scheduled By: Crimson will automatically place you as the scheduled by user, but you can select another person on your team from the drop-down menu.

h. Due on: select the deadline for the Task.

i. Assigned on: the day that the task was created will automatically be inserted in this field, but it can be updated if needed.

k & l: Notes and Ask Memo: add additional details, descriptions, and background information that is relevant to the Task.

m. Recurring: If the Task needs to be repeated, click on this toggle to make it recurring and set the Frequency, Start Date, and End Date.

n. Attachment: Upload additional files or information you need to save with the Task.

 4. Click the Save button to finish creating the Task.

How to Pull a List of Tasks

Using this feature, you can generate a list of Tasks based on the assignee, creator, due date, type of task, completion status.

1. From the People Dashboard, click on the Tasks/Calls action button.

2. Under Step 1: Scheduled By select users who assigned tasks by clicking on each name or select all users by clicking on the Select/Unselect All toggle. You can also look up a specific name in the Search field. Click the blue Next button.

3. Under Step 2: Scheduled For, select the users to whom tasks have been assigned. You can also click Select/Unselect All to choose everyone or type in a name in the Search field. Click the Next button.

4. In Step 3: Task Date, choose which way you want to search:

  • Select Tasks by Due Date: enable to select assignments by deadlines and pick the From and To fields to define the time period.

  • Include All Due Dates: enable to search for all dates.

Click the Next button.

5. In Step 4: Task Type, select Include all Open Tasks for tasks that have not been completed or Include all Completed Tasks for finished activities. Select both toggles for a list of all tasks. Click the Next button.

6. In Step 5: Additional Filters, type in possible Flags, Keywords, or States to narrow down the search. Select the Next button.

7. In Step 6: Search, the results from your criteria in the previous steps will populate.

Along with the results of the Task search, additional options will be available:

  • Click to mark a Task as completed.

  • Click to open a Task's details to view or edit it.

  • Click to reassign the Task to another user. When reassigning Tasks, first pick Select User to Reassign Task in the drop-down menu before clicking the button.

  • Click to open and edit the People Record associated with the task.

  • Click to download the results into an Excel file.

  • Click to view a printable version of the Tasks list.

  • Click on the drop-down to create call sheets for each of the tasks from one of the four available styles:

Types of Call Sheets:

  • Full Profile will generate call sheets with comprehensive summary information about each record including contact information, giving history, previous task assignments, event participation, flags, keywords, and notes.

  • Brief Profile will generate call sheets emphasizing the task note and include summary information, such as contact information and giving history.

  • Pocket Profile will generate short call sheets with basic information on each task and the associated contact in a convenient pocket-sized page.

  • Extended Profile: will generate call sheets with additional information such as Giving History, events, Fund Codes, Calls/Tasks, Flags, Keywords and Attributes.

  • PAC Profile will generate a call sheet geared for making PAC calls including contact information from the Contacts Tab.

  • Extended PAC Profile: will generate a call sheet geared for making PAC calls including contact information, Giving History, and gifts by Fund Code.

How to Mark Multiple Tasks as Complete

When the results for your search populate under Step 6: Search, you can select multiple tasks to be marked as completed.

1. Click on the individual Tasks that you want to be completed or click on the checkbox at the top to select them all.

2. Click on the red Complete Checked Tasks button.

3. A confirmation message will ask, "Are you sure to mark checked task(s) as completed." Select Yes.


Crimson Training in June 2023


Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search