Next Crimson Webinars on March 24

Have you customized your Crimson Home dashboard yet? Do you know how to use the new aggregation tools in People and Money Searches? Join us next Wednesday, March 24, for a Crimson New Features webinar at 2 p.m. EDT to see the newest features in action.

If you have new staff or need a Crimson refresher, don’t worry! A Crimson Overview webinar will also be held earlier that day at 11 a.m. EDT.

Reserve a space in these webinars by clicking on the links below. Once you sign up, we will send information on how to join each session.

Crimson Overview at 11 a.m. EDT

Learn the basics of Crimson’s functionality during this webinar. Participants will learn about Crimson’s interactive dashboards, search options, custom reports and everything you need to know to maximize your Crimson experience.

Crimson New Features at 2 p.m. EDT

The Crimson New Features webinar will demonstrate several recent tools and enhancements. These features are likely to make a big difference in your Crimson platform experience:

  • Customizable Home Dashboard and People Profiles

  • Mass Adjustments for Refunds

  • Aggregation Tools for People and Money Searches

  • Profile Timeline

  • Reverse Address Look-up

  • Totals in Money Searches


Crimson Feature of the Month: Email Scheduler for Searches and Report


Crimson Training Opportunities in February