Next Crimson Webinars on September 26

Next week, the Crimson Webinars will return with a special session covering CrimsonFiler in order to help you prepare for the next FEC filing deadline on October 15. The Crimson Support Team will also offer a General Crimson Overview.

Crimson Overview at 11 a.m. on Thursday, September 26

Sign up for the Crimson Overview session for a walk through of Crimson 3. During the training webinar, participants will learn how Crimson functions and watch demonstrations of the fresh user interface, redesigned dashboards, expanded search, increased security, and additional functionality added to Crimson 3.

CrimsonFiler at 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 26

Later that afternoon at 2 p.m. EDT, join the CrimsonFiler session for a tour of the features, how to create a new FEC report, and file an amendment.Remember that the 3rd quarter ends on September 30 and reports are due to the FEC on October 15. If you have questions about CrimsonFiler, this webinar is a good opportunity to have them addressed.

Can’t make the webinars?

A short video tour of Crimson 3 is available to watch on the Crimson Helpdesk or you can look for a specific guide covering a feature more in depth.   


Crimson Feature of the Month: Payment Requests – Treasury


Crimson Feature of the Month: Mail Merge