Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search

 Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | Have you tried using Radius Search, the brand-new search option in Crimson 3 that allows you to find all your donors within a set vicinity of a specific address? Radius Search is helpful when looking for donors to invite within 25 or 50 miles of an event.There are two ways to run a Radius Search: the Event dashboard and People Profile. This month, we'll highlight both ways to use this new feature that's popular among Crimson users.

How to Use Radius Search from the Event Dashboard:

1. In Crimson, click on the Event dashboard on the main menu. Then click on the blue Upcoming Events card.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 2. Select the event you wish to search around and click on the green Edit button button.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  3. Once the event is open, click on the Map link at the top of the page.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  4. A Google Map with the selected location will open. Click on the gray Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  button on the lower right side of your screen.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  5. A box will appear asking you to select the criteria of the search:

  • Range of search in miles
  • CTD Greater Than/Equal To
  • Highest Gift Greater Than/Equal To
  • Last Gift Greater Than/Equal To
  • Last Gift On/After
  • Invited Status

Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 6. Once you enter your criteria for the Radius Search, the total number of records that fit the parameters will appear.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | CMDI.com7. Click on the blue Export Button button to download a CSV file with the information.8. If you click on the green Invite Button button, those donors will also be added to the event. You will be asked to confirm if you want to invite these donors to the event.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 9. A confirmation message in a green bar will appear once they are added.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 10. If all the donors have already been added to the event, a message in a red bar will prompt you to change the search filters.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |

How to use Radius Search via People Records:

1. From People Search, enter the name of the person’s address you want to search around.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 2. On the People Profile, click on the map icon Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  by the address. 3. A map of the location will open. Click on the gray button Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | on the lower right-side to open the Radius Search.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  4. The filters for the Radius Search will open. Here, you can select:

  • Range of search in miles
  • CTD Greater Than/Equal To
  • Highest Gift Greater Than/Equal To
  • Last Gift Greater Than/Equal To
  • Last Gift On/After

Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search | 5. Once the criteria is entered, click the blue  button to download a CSV.Note: the options for the Radius Search via the People Profile differ slightly than when the search is run through the Event dashboard. 6. Once you have exported the CSV file, open it in Excel. Then add a column labeled Keyword and add the appropriate keyword to label your event. For more information on Keywords, click here.Crimson Feature of the Month: Radius Search |  7. Upload the CSV back to Crimson, and you can find the donors found in the Radius Search when you look up that Keyword.  


Crimson Feature of the Month: Customize People Profiles


Next Crimson Webinar: March 21